> All, 
> Was hoping for some advise b/c I cannot seem to get this to work.
> My problem is that it attaches the path name when I need to actual data 
> attached.  So my goal is as if it would be
> cat test |uuencode test | mailx -s test [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> thanks, 
> my $scratchtps = "/usr/local/log/filename";
> code snippet <
>         there is a process that may/may not populate this file.
> > 
>         if ( -s $scratchtps ) {
>                                 &mailme;

The above is usually better written as:


>                         }
>         sub mailme {
>                         my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
>                         From    => 'EDM01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>',
>                         To      => 'Derek Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>',
>                         Subject => "Return EDM Tapes",
>                         Type    => 'TEXT',
>                         Data     => "$scratchtps",

'Data' is for the body, you need to either use the separate C<attach>
method, or provide the filename as the 'Path' argument.

You really should start reading the docs thoroughly, you have asked a
number of questions that are pretty simple if you just pay attention to
the API, and MIME::Lite has very thorough and simple documentation,


>                         Disposition => 'attachment');
>                         $msg->send;
>         }


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