> On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Errin Larsen wrote:
> > [....] I was looking for a daemon that would run, start other servers, 
> > and that hang around monitoring them.
> In other words, you want something that works like Apache [1.x].
>   * To launch Apache, you run apachectl, a shell script.
>   * apachectl launches a parent httpd process, which in turns spawns 
>     a pool of listener httpd child processes.
>   * apachectl goes away then, and the parent httpd supervises the 
>     operation of the server from then on.
> Granted, the interesting bits are all done in C or something, so that 
> may not help you here, but it's the model you're looking for.
> -- 
> Chris Devers

If you really want to get into it, Network Programming with Perl has
excellent coverage of various common types of daemons and how to write
them in Perl.  Don't know if you have the resources or time but it is
worth a look if the interest is there. My very unprofessional and
non-expert review of it is here:



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