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Peter Rabbitson wrote:
However for aesthetical reasons I wanted to know how to reference a
variable, nevertheless in this case it is completely justified.

I disagree. Nothing you have said makes me understand why the advice Jenda gave you isn't applicable to your problem.


Disregard how "stupid" it is to use a variable as a variable name -
I don't see why it wouldn't be suitable above.

I'm sure it would be possible, but it's considered bad coding practice when you easily can apply another technique.

Nevertheless I still don't know how to do it, although Mr. Dominus
says it is fairly easy.

So help me or shoot me :)

P.S. I personally think use strict complains just way too much, to
a point where you lose all the elegance that coding in perl calls

Since you

1) are not very convincing in explaining why it would be necessary to
use soft references, and

2) argue against enabling strictures, and with that make Perl help you
get your code right,

you'll find that few people here are inclined to help you.

(You can always read about soft references in "perldoc perlref".)

Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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