> It would still IMHO be much better to do something like:
> %cards = (
>       4 => {name => 'Visa'},
>       5 => {name => 'MasterCard'},
>       6 => {name => 'Discover'},
>       3 => {name => 'AmEx'},
> );
> foreach my $cardid (keys %cards) {
>   foreach my $property (@props) {
>       $data{$cardid}{$property} = $form->param($cardid."_".$property);
>   }
> }

Now this is something I like :) As a matter of fact instead of using $data I 
can re-use $cards, so I have a single unified structure, hodling names, 
properties, totals and other things, all addressable by the primary hash key 
$cardid. I really like it :) 



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