
I see several very interesting CPAN modules regarding Rational/IBM ClearCase. These are just *.pm files. How/where do I install these? I have root privs. I want the modules to be available in the standard place(s). I guess I should just look at the %INC hash and place it in a "good" location?

A more general question along the lines of "giving me a fishing pole" instead of "giving me a fish"...I can go to (http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=perl.beginners) to search for archived postings, but what meaningful search string would I provide in order to obtain answers pertinent to my question above?

I have the 3rd edition of the camel book and refer to it frequently. I have several other perl books (mostly O'Reilly) as well. I don't remember seeing this topic addressed.


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