On 10/11/2004 11:01 PM, Ken Wolcott wrote:

I see several very interesting CPAN modules regarding Rational/IBM ClearCase. These are just *.pm files. How/where do I install these? I have root privs. I want the modules to be available in the standard place(s). I guess I should just look at the %INC hash and place it in a "good" location?

A more general question along the lines of "giving me a fishing pole" instead of "giving me a fish"...I can go to (http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=perl.beginners) to search for archived postings, but what meaningful search string would I provide in order to obtain answers pertinent to my question above?

I have the 3rd edition of the camel book and refer to it frequently. I have several other perl books (mostly O'Reilly) as well. I don't remember seeing this topic addressed.

In general, you should never manually drop in modules. Is there no Makefile.PL or Build.PL file with the module? If not and it is on CPAN, the author should have his or her @$$ kicked. =)

What module(s) are you looking at?


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