>Are you thinking of :
>( $a1,$b1,$a2,$b2,$a3,$b3,$a4,$b4,$a5,$b5 ) = $_ =~ /regexp/  ?

that might be what i need-  if i'm going to be working with these values
alot, then i want to know what they are at the outset....

>The result of a regexp ($1..$9) are returned in array context, so you
>either assign them to an array
>@data = $_ =~ /regexp/
>or return them to named variables as above.
>I use the above, because I can't stand using '$1' '$2' '$3' etc for
>two lines of code below the regexp capture, because context is lost to
>the reader.

exactly!  i have enough trouble with the regex itself to worry about
what the captures refer to.  

I'd forgotten about matches returning in a list context- no s///



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