> >  So. In the context of subroutine arguments, you're generally passing in
> >  one or more arguments. If you're only passing one, then you're right --
> >  my $arg = @_;
> So what wiggins saying, here $arg has now 1 ? 

Yes. It is the length of the array, or "a list taken in scalar context".
> >  my $arg = shift;
> here $arg has now the value of the first element(argument) ? 
> >  my $arg = $_;
> here $arg gets default value?

Ha, didn't even notice that one, yep $_ is definitely different than
$_[0], which is what the others would have. 

> >   -- are all equivalent.
> I agree. :)

?? You are agreeing that they are, or aren't?  They definitely aren't.

> [snip]
> -- 
> Cheers,
> SanoBabu


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