> Hi again,

> Ok, I've got ActiveState on WinXP, 5.8.4 ... I tried and found that I
> had the same problems as you.  After much playing around, I found it's
> a quoting problem on the command line (at least, in my case it was). 
> I just don't have a good grasp of quoting rules and precedence in DOS
> I guess.  Here's what I did to make it work on my DOS command line:

> C: > perl -l -00pe s/n/t/;s/"//g object.txt

> I basically just removed the single-quotes from around the code in the
> '-e' option.  That gave me the output I was looking for.  Try it and
> let us know.

> --Errin

> BTW, anyone have a good reference for DOS quoting rules/precedence?

If I remove single quotes, my command kind of hangs..it does not give any


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