On Fri,  1 Oct 2004 17:41:50 +0200, Jan Eden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,



> How can I pass an option to system's first argument in a setting like this?
> (I know I can use a module instead of calling wget, but this is a more general 
> issue.)
> Thanks,
> Jan
> --

This is ironic:

> If all else fails read the instructions. - Donald Knuth

First, check out 'perldoc -f system'  The answer to you question is in
the first paragraph!

Second, try passing EACH argument as a seperate value:
  ((WARNING: I don't have wget, so I couldn't test this!))

system("wget", "-O", "/dev/null", "http://janeden.org/test/file.txt";);


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