Gunnar Hjalmarsson <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Edward Wijaya wrote:
: : 
: : my $t = Tie::IxHash->new(%hash);
: : $t->SortByValue;  # ascending, ok!
: : 
: : $t->$hash{$b}<=>$hash{$a}SortByValue; # tried this but
: :                                       # doesn't work 
: Where in the docs for Tie::IxHash did you find that syntax?
: You can obviously not just guess and hope that Perl will
: read your mind.

    I think Ed is getting 'sort' mixed in there. Gunnar's
right, Ed. You can't just make syntax up. (Well, not
without a lot more programming, anyway.)

: Did you possibly consider to use the Reorder method?

    This is a tough one. You need to supply a list of keys
to the Reorder() method. Getting the list of keys already
sorted by value may not be apparent to a beginner.

    If "$t->SortByValue()" sorts the hash by values, then
"$t->SortByValue()->Keys()" will return the keys for that
sort. We want to supply the reverse of those keys.

   $t->Reorder( reverse $t->SortByValue()->Keys() );


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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