>> > I have created a module, and inside one of the Package methods, I
>> have
>> > the following code:
>> >
>> > $href = $getPlanInfo->fetchrow_hashref();
>> >         foreach my $key (keys %$href) {
>> >                 print "$key : $href->{$key}\n";
>> >                 $name = $key;
>> >                 $self->{$name} = $href->{$key};
>> >         }
> So in the above you want to loop over the result set storing them to
> the
> object, this sounds like the perfect use of an array reference stored
> to
> the object. Something like:
> while (my $href = $getPlanInfo->fetchrow_hashref) {
>    push @{$self->{$name}}, $href;
> }
> Now $self->{$name} contains a list, similar to what you mention with
> the
> indexes below, but let Perl handle that for you.  Then you can loop
> over
> the list as with any array reference, or index into it similar to any
> array.
> foreach my $element (@{$self->{$name}}) {
>     foreach my $key (keys %$element) {
>          print "$key: $element->{$name}\n";
>     }
> }

Wow! ...and I *almost* understand how it works! Admittedly, I'm just
begun familiarizing myself with references the last few days, but this
looks so far like what I need. I am going to research how, and why
this works, but am I correct with this?:

(based on your code above, assuming 2 rows in db for user)

@{$self->{$name}}[0] == %hash (name & val)   # from db row 1
@{$self->{$name}}[1] == %hash2 (name & val) # from db row 2

I truly was never aware the true flexibility of Perl before. Wow...if
I had of researched this stuff before...I don't want to even imagine
the time I would of saved myself ;o)

> HTH,
> http://danconia.org
>> >
>> > Now, in the main program that calls this method, I have the
>> following:
>> >
>> > my ($user) = new Accounting::EagleUser();
>> > $user->getPlanInfo("steveb");
>> > print "$user->{'plan'} $user->{'username'}\n";
>> >
>> >
>> > What is happening, is that getPlanInfo() takes a single param, (a
>> > username). It then performs a fetchrow_hashref, creating the keys
>> for
>> > the user object with the table field names from the db, and the
>> values
>> > are the actual data from the table row.
>> >
>> > However, my problem is that some users have more than one row. I
>> have
>> > tried for days, playing, reading, etc and you guys(gals) feel like
>> my
>> > last hope. I can't figure out a way to give the user object
>> multiple
>> > values for a single key. The output when print only shows the
>> fetched
>> > row that it got first, and it appears the second is never looked
>> at.
>> >
>> > I was thinking that if I implemented something like
>> $self->{$key$i},
>> > where $i could be an incremented integer, I'd have what I was
>> looking
>> > for, but how do I iterate through the DB to the next row using
>> > fetchrow_hashref to do this?
>> >
>> > I really appreciate any insight at all that will help clarify this
>> for
>> > me, or at least put me back on a path I feel I have wandered waaay
>> off
>> > of.
>> >
>> > Tks!
>> >
>> > Steve
>> >
>> >
>> >
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