Search for a program called 'shellexec'.  (use google).

Shellexec does exactly what you want, but its a windows executable, so
instead of calling 
defopen "something";


system("shellexec something");

you should be able to download shellexec or an equivalent from many places.

As for portable? Its portable among the various platforms that run
word-4-windows (duh)

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 18:21:21 +0800, Bee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am curious to know that if that is an existed module to open files with it's 
> default application just like I
> double click on the file with mouse. and I do something just like this with my code :
> use defaultOpen;
> defOpen 'C:\temp.gif' or die "$!" ; # Then the image will open with photoshop.
> defOpen 'C:\temp.doc' or die "$!" ; # then the document will open with Word.
> I've made this done by writting a batch like code.. but I sure that's unsafe and 
> unportable.
> Thanks for any hint,
> Bee

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