
Encountering some unexpected behavior illustrated in the
code snippet below.

In the first foreach loop
Seems like when I check for a match between
gid306 and the contents of the the ACTIVES array
I get an erroneous hit.

But as shown in the second foreach loop
if I remove gid and just try to match the number
306 it correctly determines there is no match.

Is this a bug in Perl or in my understanding?


John Kent


my($DEBUG) = 1;

my(@ACTIVE) = qw {gid240 gid278 gid301};
my(@LOGGED) = qw {gid306 gid240 gid278 gid301};

# This doesn't work,  finds a match for every item in
# LOGGED, seems to be matching on "gid" but ignoring the number
foreach (@LOGGED){
    unless (grep /$_/,@ACTIVE){
        print "No Match for $__\n" if ($DEBUG == 1);
        #do something here with what didn't match";
    } else {
         print "found $_ in ACTIVES\n" if ($DEBUG == 1);

print "\nNew test\n";

# This works!!!
foreach (@LOGGED){
    my($match) = $_;
    # Remove the gid from the term to look for
    $match =~ s/gid//g;

    unless (grep /$match/,@ACTIVE){
        print "No Match for $_\n" if ($DEBUG == 1);
        # do something here with what didn't match\n";
    } else {
        print "found $_ in ACTIVES\n" if ($DEBUG == 1);

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cgi-bin]$ ./
found gid306 in ACTIVES
found gid240 in ACTIVES
found gid278 in ACTIVES
found gid301 in ACTIVES

New test
No Match for gid306
found gid240 in ACTIVES
found gid278 in ACTIVES
found gid301 in ACTIVES

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