Kent, Mr. John (Contractor) wrote:
> my(@ACTIVE) = qw {gid240 gid278 gid301};
> my(@LOGGED) = qw {gid306 gid240 gid278 gid301};
> # This doesn't work,  finds a match for every item in
> # LOGGED, seems to be matching on "gid" but ignoring the number
> foreach (@LOGGED){
>     unless (grep /$_/,@ACTIVE){
>         print "No Match for $__\n" if ($DEBUG == 1);
>         #do something here with what didn't match";
>     } else {
>          print "found $_ in ACTIVES\n" if ($DEBUG == 1);
>     }
> }

Others have explained the localization of $_ issue. It's not important for
such a small data set, but if @ACTIVE is large, you can improve performance
by doing a hash lookup instead of a grep():

  use strict;

  my(@ACTIVE) = qw {gid240 gid278 gid301};
  my(@LOGGED) = qw {gid306 gid240 gid278 gid301};

  my %h; @[EMAIL PROTECTED] = ();
  print exists $h{$_} ? "Found" : "No match for", " $_\n" for @LOGGED;

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