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Li, Aiguo (NIH/NCI) wrote:
Dear all.


I have a tab delimited file as follow:

V       name    p
1.0     AAA     0.001
0.9     BBB     0.003
0.8     CCC     0.004

I need to convert the file into following format:
{       labels =
                {v="1.0"; name = "AAA"; p = "0.001"; },
                {v="0.9"; name = "BBB"; p = "0.003";},
                {v="0.8"; name = "CCC"; p = "0.004";}

I have not been able to make the following code work yet and would like to
hear your suggestion for a better option.  The following is my thought at
this point.

print "    {       labels =\n";
print "\t\t (\n";
open IN "tag.txt";
while (<IN>) {
        @line = split(/\t/);
        print "\t v=""@line[0]";";
        print "l=""@line[1]";";
        print " p= "@line[2]";";

This will work:

use warnings;
use strict;

open IN, '<', 'tag.txt' or die "Cannot open 'tag.txt' $!";

my ( $format, @data );

while ( <IN> ) {
    if ( /^\D/ ) {
        $format = sprintf '{%s="%%s"; %s = "%%s"; %s = "%%s";}', split;
    elsif ( /^\d/ ) {
        push @data, sprintf $format, split;

print "{\tlabels =\n\t(\n\t\t", join( ",\n\t\t", @data ), "\n\t);\n}\n";


use Perl;

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