On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Xun Yu wrote:

> I am going to compile a perl script to binary on linux

That was worth mentioning up front! :-)
> I tried perlcc, I doesn't always works well.

No, it doesn't.
> I tried the same script with perlapp from PDK-Pro-6.0 from 
> ActiveState? It works.
> The problem is I can only get a evaluate license for PDK-Pro-6.0, so 
> what I am looking for is a compiler more powerfull than perlcc, and 
> must be free.

Again, the question stands: why do you want to do this?

Nearly every instance of Linux in the world is going to have Perl 
installed, so why bother making Perl scripts that avoid using that 
built-in interpreter? There are a handful of reasons to want to do this, 
some a little convincing (e.g. weird compatibility requirements), but by 
far the most common reason is because the programmer wants a way to hide 
his code, and is hoping that a compiled version will be more obscure.

Don't bother. It won't work. You can get something that will compile, 
and run, and look funny if you examine the file, but if someone wants 
the original code back, there are techniques for doing so. 

If you're after something else, please explain, but be aware that in 
most cases, the answer is "the standard Perl that comes with Linux".

Chris Devers

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