Christopher Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: So everybody wants to know what I have been working
: on.  I finally got permission to post this:
: #!/usr/bin/perl -w
: use strict;
: my $Pixarport = 7498;
: my $host = "lex";
: my $Pixarfile = $Pixarport."@".$host;
: my @line;
: my $line;
: my @features_array;
: my @handles_array;
: my $handles;
: my $features;
: my $sizeof;
: my $counter = 0;
: my $answer;
: my $string;

    Don't declare all your variables at the beginning
of the script. It works in other languages, but not
in perl. Declare them as you go.

: LOOKING_LINES: while(@line = `cat clicenses_output`){

    Stop using line labels. They work in perl, but they
are rarely needed.

: This is the line giving me issues:
: LOOKING_HANDLES: while (@line = `cat
: clicenses_output`);
: Basically, after I grab $feature I need to move to the
: next element of the array @line and start looking at
: each element until I hit Users again (in which case I
: grab the feature and the process begins again).  So
: how do I make the big jump to that next element?

    Why is this output in a loop? Does `cat clicenses_output`
place a new array in @line each time through? Where does it
break its listing?


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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