I am just learning Perl, and am having a problem with something which 
seems like it should be so easy. Still . . . . I have read through a 
couple of books, including _Beginning Perl_ and _Picking Up Perl_, to 
no avail.

I am trying to read a file, then assign some information within a 
script. The problem comes in assigning. My file has three lines. The 
first line contains a list of names seperated by spaces; the next two 
lines contain numbers:

Doug Sandy Lois

In order to isolate the problem, I have created a simplified script:

#read from file

open (CONTROL1, "<test.cont");
@constants = <CONTROL1>;
close (CONTROL1);


$names = @constants[0];
@group = qw($names);


open (CONTROL2, ">test2.cont");
print CONTROL2 "Names: $names";
print CONTROL2 "Group: @group";
close (CONTROL2);

The test2.cont file shows that $names is being set as I expected: to 
a string (Doug Sandy Lois). I assumed that @group = qw($names) would 
fill the array with the string of names. However, test2.cont shows 
that the value of @group is "$names". Obviously, my assumption was 

So is there a way to directly fill the @group array with the string 
now stored in $names? Or do I have to split the string and fill the 
array in that manner?


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