If I remember well, the + sign is an old style of printing a space and this
style was used in web pages that use isindex forms.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <beginners@perl.org>
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: urlencode and uri_escape

Peter wrote:
> Hi all,
> there seems to be a slight difference between the function urlencode
> from php and the uri_escape in perl:
> the encoded result of "test !"§$%&/()=" is different:
> in php: test+%21%22%A7%24%25%26%2F%28%29%3D
> in perl: test%20%21%22%3F%24%25%26%2F%28%29%3D
> The difference is the space: in php it becomes a "+", in perl a "%20".
> Which one is (academic) correct and can perl be told to behave just as
> php does?
> Thanks for any answer!
> Peter

According to the RFC, the only escape codes defined are the hex ones,
though "+" is a reserved character.  The usage of + as an encoding for
space is a not explicitly documented in any RFCs, but is in common use
for representing a space *in the query component of URIs*.  I'm not sure
if web servers will handle it correctly in the path or filename
component.  Therefore, I'd say that uri_encode is correct.

I don't believe there's a way to get the uri_encode function to do that
for you, but you can translate before or substitute after if you really
need them to match.


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