Hi All,

I created a script that renames a dir of MP3 files... Everything is working well except when I try to write the new files to a directory. I thought I could print to a dirhandle, apparently not.. :~) Maybe I need to mv the $newfile...? not sure... Any help would be greatly appreciated!




use strict;
use warnings;

my $mp3_dir = "/home/bvolk/Dell/Shared/Mp3_to_wav";
opendir (FILES, $mp3_dir) || die "Couldn't open $mp3_dir: $! \n";

my @files = grep { !/^\.\.?$/ } readdir FILES;

closedir FILES;

my $new_mp3_dir = "/home/bvolk/Music/MP3_files";
opendir (NEWDIR, $new_mp3_dir) || die "Couldn't open $new_mp3_dir: $! \n";

foreach my $file(@files){

   my($newfile) = lc $file;   # Lower case all file names

$newfile =~ s/ /_/g; # Replace spaces w/ underscores
$newfile =~ s/&/and/g; # Replace ampersands
$newfile =~ s/\'//g; # Remove apostrophes
$newfile =~ s/(\(|\))//g; # Remove parenthesis
$newfile =~ s/[\-]//g; # Remove dashes
$newfile =~ s/,//g; # Remove commas
print NEWDIR "$newfile \n";

closedir NEWDIR;

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