Hi All, 
I'm having trouble w/ my script... I can open the dir, read the dir and even
get the s/// to work.... I just don't know how to write the new file to a
new dir.  .... or the same dir for that matter...  If someone could point me
in the right direction I would really appreciate it.  Maybe a page in the
Lama book...  :~)
use strict;
use warnings;
my $dir = "C:/brian/test_html";
 opendir (HTML, $dir) or die "Can't open $dir: $!";
#my $newdir ="C:/brian/test_html_1";
# opendir (HTML1, $newdir) or die "Can't open $newdir: $!";
# load @ARGV for <> operator below 
@ARGV = map { "$dir/$_" } grep { !/^\./ } readdir HTML;
while (<>) {
closedir (HTML);

Brian Volk
HP Products
317.298.9950 x1245

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