I'm kind of lost as to what you're actually trying to do. Instead of
posting functions with nothing calling them, you should include a code
snippet (as simple as possible) that can be run to demonstrate the
problem. Preferably not using those functions. Fix one thing at a

With that said, this might work:

> #####################################################
> sub add_user{
>     my $self=shift;
>     my %tables_and_columns=shift;
>     my $first_name=shift;
>     my $last_name=shift;
>     my $email=shift;
>     my $password=shift;
>     my @columns_and_tables='';
     # try this:
     for my $value ( keys %{$self->{tables_and_columns}} ) {

>         print "$value\n";
>     }
> }
> #################################################

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