> Dave, I've got some more code here that should explain exactly what I'm
> trying to do, what do you think of the structure?  As you can probably tell
> I'm having problems accessing the keys and values from a tied hash, any
> ideas how I can get the keys and the values printed to the screen?
> Code:
> #############################################################
> sub get_users_table_and_columns{
>   my $self=shift;
>   use Tie::IxHash;
> $self->{tables_and_columns}= Tie::IxHash->new(table=>'blog',
>          column1 =>'first_name',
>          column2 => 'last_name',
>          column3 => 'email',
>          column4 => 'password',
>          column5 => 'active'
>          );
>   return $self->{tables_and_columns};
> }
> ######## in the cgi call the above method and pass it to the "add_user"
> method #########
> $register->add_user($conf->get_users_table_and_columns, $first_name,
> $last_name, $email, $password);
> #############################################################
> sub add_user{
>     my $self=shift;
>     my $tables_and_columns=shift;
>     my $first_name=shift;
>     my $last_name=shift;
>     my $email=shift;
>     my $password=shift;
>     my $key='';
>     my $value='';
>    foreach my $value(@$tables_and_columns){
>     print "value = $value\n";
>    }
> }
> #############################################################

This sounds highly overcomplicated... must you use Tie::IxHash? Could
you possibly use something else? If you *must* use Tie::IxHash, you
can do something like:

use Data::Dumper;
use Tie::IxHash;
my $h = Tie::IxHash->new(
  table => 'blog',
  column1 => 'first_name',
  column2 => 'last_name',
  column3 => 'email',
  column4 => 'password',
  column5 => 'active',

# this shows you the internal structure
print Dumper($h);

# this seems broken...
print "$_\n" for keys %$h;

print '-'x20, "\n";

# this should do what you want
# breaks encapsulation tho
print "$_\n" for @{$h->[1]};

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