Hi all,

I've written a small script that makes use of Finance::Bank::Wachovia,
to retrieve current account balances and transaction information. I
installed the module via CPAN.

I am getting a message that I don't know how to fix:

There is no form named "authForm" at
line 274

I've checked that the prerequisites are installed on my system
(HTTP::Cookies, Test::More, WWW::Mechanize).

The relevant section in WWW.pm is:
# after the initial commit, there is what appears to be a bunch of
redirects. While there are some, there are
# also some javascript onLoad submits.  The following code emulates that
behavior (just submits a form that
# has a bunch of hidden inputs )
        $mech->form_name( 'authForm' );
        print STDERR "Login (4) Content:\n",
                "============ BEGIN CONTENT ===============\n",
                $mech->content(), "\n",
                "============ END CONTENT =================\n" if $DEBUG;

I *am* able to get the needed data for my script, however, so the
message isn't totally breaking the script. All the figures from Wachovia
are coming through just fine. But I want to fix the problem causing the
message, and I'm just too new to Perl to know what to do. I could sure
use some help here.


My script is below:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Finance::Bank::Wachovia;

system "clear";

print "\nI'm accessing your account to retrieve transaction data.\n";
print "\nPlease be patient.\nThis will take a few seconds  ...\n";

$wachovia = Finance::Bank::Wachovia->new(
                                         user_id  => 'xxxxxxxxxx',
                                         password => 'xxxxxxxx'
    or die Finance::Bank::Wachovia->ErrStr();

my @account_numbers = $wachovia->account_numbers();
my @account_names = $wachovia->account_names();
my @account_balances  = $wachovia->account_balances();

my $account = $wachovia->account( $account_numbers[0] )
    or die $wachovia->ErrStr();

print "\n";
print "Account Number: \t", $account->number, "\n";
#print "Name: ", $account->name, "\n";
#print "Type: ", $account->type, "\n";
print "Available Balance: \t\$", $account->available_balance, "\n";
print "Posted Balance: \t\$", $account->posted_balance, "\n";
print "\n";

my $transactions = $account->transactions
    or die $account->ErrStr;

foreach my $t ( @$transactions ){
    print "Date: ", $t->date, "\n";
    print "Desc: ", $t->description, "\n";
    if ($t->check_num ne ' ') {
        print "Check Number\t\#", $t->check_num, "\n";
    if ($t->withdrawal_amount) {
        printf "Withdrawal \t\$%7.2f\n", $t->withdrawal_amount;
    if ($t->deposit_amount) {
        printf "Deposit \t\$%7.2f\n", $t->deposit_amount;
    if ($t->balance){
        printf "Balance \t\$%7.2f\n", $t->balance;
    print "\n";

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