I have a strange problem where a database handle is being destroyed for no 
apparent reason. My initial idea was to parse some xml, and translate it 
into a database. Deleting line after line of code I came up with this short 
meaningles program which exhibits the same behavior as its real-life 
sibling (tested against two different mysql instalations on different 

use warnings;
use strict;
use DBI;
use XML::Twig;

++$|;   #so I can see the progress in _dummy ()

my $dbh = DBI->connect ( "dbi:mysql:$random_db:localhost",
                         {    AutoCommit => 0,
                              RaiseError => 1,
                              PrintError => 0,

unless ($dbh) {
    print "Unable to connect:\n$DBI::errstr\n";
    exit 1;

eval { $dbh->do ("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS some_nonexistant_table") };
die ($@) if $@;

my $objinfo_parser = XML::Twig->new (
                          twig_handlers => {
                                 'Products/Product' => \&_dummy 
$objinfo_parser->parseurl ('http://www.3btech.net/3btech/objinfo.xml');


exit 0;

sub _dummy {
    my ($twig, $child) = @_;
    print '.';
    return 'dummy';

Note that I am not even doing any real operations on the MySQL side, thus I 
don't care what database I connect to. I put the DROP TABLE there just to 
make sure that commands are reaching the server, and yes I can see that in 
the logs.
If I run the real program I end up stuffing about 480 out of roughly 510
products into a designated table and then the handle goes out to lunch with
the same error message.
I use the very same XML::Twig setup in another script that packs results 
into a hash and returns it, and everything works flawlessly. Any help is 
priceless, as after nearly two days playing with this I am totally lost...



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