Thanks for your help. I stubled over a solution in perlop. Any
non-alphanumeric non-whitespace character can be used in place of the
forward slash in s///. I'm using s%%%(those are percentage signs) now
and things are going well. I haven't looked into the parser modules yet.

Thanks again,

Cy Kurtz

On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 09:50 -0400, Chris Devers wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Cy Kurtz wrote:
> > OK ... Remember you asked for it.
> Right. Because without sufficient context, it's impossible to give an
> adequate answer to a wildly open-ended question. Make sense?
> > I have at least a dozen files that I want to update. I want to do
> > this:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] somedirectory]$ perl -pi~ -e 
> > 's/./officers-gasenate.html/'
> >  ./contactus.html

> Note though that it's standard to point out here that HTML is
> notoriously difficult to get right with regular expressions. If all
> you're doing is changing the href target of known anchor tags in a
> limited set of files that you have control over, it's probably fine to
> solve it this way, but if the HTML is at all complicated -- that is, if
> it has any inconsistencies at all, broken tags, etc -- you're much
> better off solving this kind of problem with a parser module from CPAN.
> There's a lot of them to choose from, depending on your needs, but
> almost any of them are a better choice than doing this kind of thing by
> hand with regular expressions: it's easier, faster, and more robust.
> Keep it in mind if this problem starts getting more complicated...
> -- 
> Chris Devers

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