On 6/7/05, Chris Devers wrote:
> Which matches a dot /./ -- which is a metacharacter meaning "matches
> anything at all" 

Not quite correct - a dot (".") matches "any single character", not
"anything at all", and even this rule has an exception - a dot will
not match a newline ("\n") unless you use the "s" modifier.

> In other words, it will turn this string --
>     abc
> -- into this
>     officers-gasenate.htmlofficers-gasenate.htmlofficers-gasenate.html

No, it will turn "abc" into:
Unless you use the "g" modifier.

> Thus, the regex should be something like this:
> s|\./officers-gasenate\.html|http://www\.legis\.state\.ga\.us/cgi-bin/peo_list\.pl\?List=stsenatedl|

There's no need to escape metachars in the replacement part. Without
modifiers (such as "e" or "x") the replacement part is treated as a
simple double-quoted string (delimiter dependent).
So the s/// can be written as:

Offer Kaye

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