It looks like you've made a lot of headway on refs, don't sell yourself
short.  It just looks like maybe you needed to back away from the
problem and see that the reason why it wasn't working was that you were
trying to stick a square peg in a round hole, so to speak.  It's easy to
do when you're dealing with that level of abstraction, which is where
references trip a lot of people up.

Also, your question could have been a little clearer.  Without giving
away any proprietary information, some background as to what you were
trying to do would have been nice.  It looks like what you really wanted
was a way to store by a named index because then you would have a
pre-sorted list of indexes.  Whenever you find yourself tempted to do
something like this, it might be worth thinking about whether a hash
might suit you better.  Of course, your email was kind of cryptic, so
it's hard to tell.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Allison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 7:03 PM
To: Tim Johnson
Cc: beginners perl
Subject: Re: reference trouble

[Tim Johnson] <snip>

I've changed it out to a hash and create a seperate array of keys that 
are sorted:

my @keys = sort { $b <=> $a } keys %hash

And this works just fine.

But I still have some more learning to do on refs...

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