On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Sonia wrote:

> I want to run PERL script which will combine several JAVA applications.

This is possible.

> Furthermore, I need this script to run in the HTML page.

This is not possible.

HTML is just a "markup language". It tells an application such as a web 
browser how to present the contents of the page text, but that's it. You 
can have HTML that includes or refers to Javascript (or *cough* *spit* 
VBScript) code, but the application interpreting the HTML handles it 
separately, if at all. 

If you want to mix HTML and Perl [note that it isn't capitalized; nor is 
Java for that matter], the common way to do it is with a CGI script. CGI 
scripts are programs that get run by a web server, accepting a request 
from that server, processing the result in some way -- such as by firing 
off Java programs in the background -- and then returning results back 
to the web client, typically in HTML format. 

You can run CGI scripts on your local computer IF you have a web server, 
but that's not necessarily a problem. Most versions of Unix will already 
include some version of the Apache web server, and there are many groups 
offering pre-packaged versions of Apache along with Perl, MySQL, and PHP 
for Windows. Once you have Apache installed, there's not much overhead 
to running things this way -- you just interact with things through a 
web browser on your computer using <http://localhost/myscript.pl> etc. 

If you want to do things this way, the beginners-cgi@perl.org list has 
been set up to help people get up and running with this sort of work.

Chris Devers

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