Hello Listers
I'm getting the following error when executing the function listed below...

  cimagedisp_new.cgi: Use of uninitialized value in hash
  element at /.../cimagedisp_new.cgi line 238, <FILE> line 69.

223 #-------------------------------------------------------------
224 # Build a hash of pricelist names/ids from an inc file
225 #  my(%plhash) = &build_pricelist_hash($plnameid_file);
226 #-------------------------------------------------------------
227 sub build_pricelist_hash {
228   my($file) = @_;
230   my(%plhash) = ();
231   if(!open(FILE,$file)) {
232 &abort_program("<b>FILE ERROR:</b><br>Can't open file $file<br>\n[$!]");
233   }
234   my($i) = 0;
235   while (<FILE>) {
236      chop $_;
237      my($name,$id) = split(/\|/,$_);
238      $plhash{$id} = $_;
239      $i++;
240   }
241   close(FILE);
242   return %plhash;
243 }

The plnameid file contains lines formatted as follows...
  Classic Chimpanzee/Monkey Space Flight Covers|chimps
  Experimental Test Covers, Various Flights, Various Cachets|exfl01
  GEMINI Program Prime Recovery Ships|primesc2
where the first item in each line is a pricelist description and the second item is the name of the pricelist.

I've tried initializing %plhash and $name and $id to no avail...
Please ignore $i as it was previously use for another purpose but I forgot to remove it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Tony frasketi

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