From: Bob Showalter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>>> OK, you weren't kidding. Since you're new to Perl, you get a free
pass :~) <<<

I appreciate the indulgence <g>.

>>> Seriously, though, not all of us run Perl on Windows. Your approach
Windows-specific. <<<

True, I hadn't thought of that. I'm primarily a Visual Studio person,
and the biggest point of platform variation we need to worry about in
our discussion forums is usually "Are you using Service Pack 4 or
Service Pack 5?"

>>> In addition, the "dir" command outputs a bunch of other 
stuff besides the file name, so you'd have to do some parsing to get the

file names. <<<

Actually, use the /b switch and you do get just the file names. I agree
now that Perl gives you easier ways to do it (actually, I pretty much
assumed that was the case all along, I just hadn't had time yet to find
out what those other 'proper' ways were.)


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