Jason Ross wrote:
> I'm trying it on a second drive however, and am getting results that
> don't look right ...
> That drive has the following partitions defined:
> *                                  First          Sector      Last
> * Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector       Count       Sector       Mount 
> Directory
>       0        2    00         1048707     68030172  69078878   /
>       1        3    01          0               1048707   1048706
>       2        5    00          0               71127180  71127179
>       7        8    00          69078879   2048301  71127179    /export/home
> I would expect the script to return no available sectors, but am
> getting this instead:
> Available sectors:
>        1048707 - -1
>        71127180 - 1048706
> Still looking into why, not sure, since I'm just trying to figure out
> which end is up =0)

The problem is that you are including the data from partition 2.  If you
exclude it then you will get the correct result.

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