Luinrandir wrote:
OK.. maybe I'm trying to be too fancy.

use tsruic
the package is:
package Names;

Don;t double quote string that have nothing being interpolated, use single quotes or q()


$Lord{Ireland} not %Lord{...


Don't assign an array to a scalar, you'll get the number of items in the list not the list, use refernces.

Don't store your data in 2 places (IE an array *and* they keys of a Hash), then you have to maintain it:

package Names;

use strict;
use warnings;

our %Lord = (
  Ireland => ['Bob','Tom'],
  Wales => ['Ted','Ned']



use strict;
use warnings;
use Names;

for my $country (keys %Names::Lord) {
   for(@{ $Names::Lord{$country} }){
      print "$country: $_\n";

return 1;
the program is:
foreach $Country(@Names::Countries)
    print qq|$Names::$Lord{$Country}|;


use strict;
use warnings;

Alway always always do those 1st thing.

They would have told you the problem with your code right off.


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