Jeff ,
Thanks for all your help! This is what I have now (below and this time the whole thing): I think I have included all that you talked about plus others:

The sub scanlog does write the information to the files but it does not return anything back to the main program and I also get the error:

Use of uninitialized value in split at ./ line 9.

Also, is there a better way of counting the number of times each IP address gets blocked with category PO? Each time I get to the blocklimit it writes to the file but I really just want the max number of blocks over the limit. It will write the same IP each time it gets over the blocklimit though.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require Mail::Send;
$|=1;           # no buffering
use constant IP_LIST_FILE => "/etc/squid/iplist.txt";
use constant SUSPEND_FILE => "/etc/squid/SuspendIpList.txt";
use constant LOG_FILE => "/opt/n2h2/logs/filter_log";
my $sysop = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
my $flag = "PO";
my $hour = (split, localtime)[2];
my $blocklimit = 5;
my $matches = 0;
my $matched = 0;
($matched,$ip,$hour,$time,$category,$url) = &Scanlog($flag,$hour,$blocklimit,$matches,);
       if($matched > $blocklimit){
         $msg = new Mail::Send Subject=>'SuspendIpList', To=>"$sysop";
         $fh = $msg->open;
print $fh "Someone has tried to access $matches banned sites today\n"; print $fh "Their IP address ($ip) has been added to /etc/squid/SuspendIpList.txt\n"; print $fh "To unblock them, remove their entry from the file and run squid -k reconfigure\n";
         print $fh "$matches, $ip, $hour, $time, $category, $url\n";
         $fh->close;         # complete the message and send it
         $matched = 0;
open my $output2, ">", SUSPEND_FILE or die "Can't write @{[SUSPEND_FILE]}: $!";
        print $output2 "\n";
       close $output2;
sub Scanlog {
       my ($flag,$hour,$blocklimit,$matches,)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
open my $slog, "-|", "tail -n 25000 @{[LOG_FILE]}" or die "Unable to open $log:$!\n"; open my $output, ">", IP_LIST_FILE or die "Can't write @{[IP_LIST_FILE]}: $!"; open my $output2, ">", SUSPEND_FILE or die "Can't write @{[SUSPEND_FILE]}: $!";
       while (my $line = <$slog>){     # assigns each line in turn to $line
          #use an array slice to select the fields we want
          my ($time, $ip, $url, $category) = (split " ", $line)[1,4,7,10];
          my ($hr) = split /:/, $time;
            if($flag eq $category and $hr eq $hour){
               $matches += 1 ;
            if($matches > $blocklimit){
print $output "$matches, $ip, $hour, $time, $category, $url\n";
               print $output2 "$ip/32\n";
               $matched = $matches;
               $matches = 0;
       close $output;
       close $output2;

Ryan Lamberton

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FamiLink Admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: a little help...

On Sep 28, FamiLink Admin said:

I am trying to read a log file and get a list of how many times an IP address get blocked each hour by category PO. An example line in the log with a block is:
[2005-09-28 10:05:03 -7:00] - blocked 0 PO
What I have kinda works but I am not sure if it is the best practice. This is the first time programming in perl and this is what I have so far:

Your indentation leaves much to be desired, so I've "fixed" it.

sub Scanlog {
  local($ipb) = @_;

No reason to use 'local'; stick with 'my' here. But... what is $ipb? You don't use it anywhere!

open my $slog, "-|", "tail -n 50000 $log" or die "Unable to open $log:$!\n";
  open (OUTPUT,">/etc/squid/iplist.txt");
  open (OUTPUT2,">/etc/squid/SuspendIpList.txt");

You should also die if neither of those could be opened:

    open(OUTPUT, ">...") or die "can't create /etc/squid/iplist.txt: $!";

  while (<$slog>){     # assigns each line in turn to $_
    # use an array slice to select the fields we want
    @data = (split ,$_)[1,4,10,5,7];
    $hr = (split /:/ ,$data[0])[0];
    $ip = "$data[1]";

Those three variables should all be declared with 'my'. Your line assigning to @data has a typo that hasn't effected you, but it might eventually.

      my @data = (split)[1,4,10,5,7];  # why out of order?
      my $hr = (split /:/, $data[0])[0];
      my $ip = $data[1];  # no need to quote $data[1] here

    if ($flag eq $data[2]) {

Where is $flag coming from?

      if ($hr eq $hour) {

Where is $hour coming from?

Those two if statements can be combined into one, since you don't do anything if they aren't both true.

      if ($flag eq $data[2] and $hr eq $hour) {

        foreach (/$data[2]/) {
          $matches += 1 ;

I have a feeling this could lead to false positives. How do you know that 'PO' (or whatever else $data[2] might hold) won't appear in the URL, for instance? Perhaps this should just be


But where is $matches coming from?!

        if ($matches > $blocklimit) {

Where does $blocklimit come from?!

          $ip1 = "$data[1]/32";

Declare that with 'my'.

          print OUTPUT "$matches,", "$hour, ","$ip1, ", "@data","\n";

You could just write that as

  print OUTPUT "$matches, $hour, $data[1]/32 @data\n";

          print OUTPUT2 "$ip1\n";
          $matched = $matches;
          $matches = 0;

Where did $matched come from?

  close (OUTPUT);
  close (OUTPUT2);

You should not use any variables in a function that you did not pass to it or create IN it.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan        %  How can we ever be the sold short or
RPI Acacia Brother #734    %  the cheated, we who for every service  %  have long ago been overpaid?   %    -- Meister Eckhart

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