On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 07:26:51PM +0200 mark berger wrote:
> hey list. i stuck with gererating a wordlist from a changing
> multidimensional array. each entry in the array contains a list with the
> possible values.
> fe:
> @wordlayout = ((a, b),                # possible values for 1st char
>            (c),               # possible values for 2nd char
>            (d, e, f));                # possible values for 3rd char
> the following wordlist should be generated:
> acd
> ace
> acf
> bcd
> bce
> bcf

use references for multidimensional arrays:


use warnings;

@w1 = (["a", "b"], ["c"], ["d", "e", "f"]);

$str ="";

foreach $k (@{$w1[0]}) {

  foreach $l (@{$w1[2]}) {

    $str = [EMAIL PROTECTED]" ";

@w2 = split " ", $str;

foreach (@w2) {

print "$_\n";

it's another solution  ...



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