On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Luinrandir wrote:

there is no code yet.. i will write the code.
i need the one line that get the web page

answers like your suck.. why do you bother.

Funny, I was wondering the same thing about your question :-)

The answer is to look up, and read, the documentation for the LWP suite of modules. In there you will find sample code that does what you want.

Plugging "LWP" into Google returns about two million hits; the top dozen or so all look promising for answering your question. If you didn't find any of those two million pages, then I can only assume that you haven't actually done any searching for answers yet.

Once you've tried that, and have some code that you need help with, then you can expect constructive responses from members of the list.

So, again. What have you tried so far?

Chris Devers

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