On Oct 14, H S said:

Could someone help point out how to use scalar within Xpath query? I need to
use $script in the query but it returns nothing.
I am somewhat confused about the interpolation in this case.

use XML::XPath;

my $xp = XML::XPath->new(filename => '/dssweb/prog/navi/links.xml');
my $script = "/cgi-bin/rates/showrate";
my $nodeset = $xp->findnodes('/navigator/nav_group/[EMAIL PROTECTED] = 
"$script"] |
/navigator/nav_group/nav/[EMAIL PROTECTED] = "$script"]');

Variables won't expand in single quotes, and putting double quotes INSIDE single quotes won't help either. You'll have to use double-quotes around the entire string and escape whatever shouldn't be interpolated:

  $xp->findnodes("/navigator/nav_group/[EMAIL PROTECTED] = '$script']");

Try that. I don't see anything explaining the syntax of an XML path, so I don't really know what *I'm* doing.

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