I am wanting to write a mail filter which will allow me to use a score
sheet and a configuration file to filter mail into specific folders.
This would be accomplished in conjunction with procmail, and possibly

The program would have to take the message and scan it for certain
paterns, and then output a slightly modified message (the addition of a
header, possibly the editing of the subject line and/or the body).  The
changing of the message can be done externally using I believe formail.
 This program would accept the incoming message from stdin and send out
through stdout.

There would be at least one related program which would also scan a
message coming from stdin, but instead be used to update the database
for the handling of incoming messages.  The database would likely be 1
line per reccord with a colon seperating fields (I see a problem with
this, there is a potential for breaking the databse, will resolve that
in the debuging/development phase, TSV would I believe work, though I've
not used TSVs before).

Any input would be apreciated.  I currently have Perl 5.8.7 installed on
the machine this is intended to run on.  I know that a lot of the
components, and maybe even a program doing exactly what I want are/is
available.  I will use apropriate modules to accomplish what I need, but
I want a certain part of it to be my code.  I have written similar
programs in the past, but it has been a while.  The training of the
database could take a while, but I doubt it will take all that long.
This program is more advanced than any that I've done in the past, and
will probably require the use of a number of different tools to
accomplish it.


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