> INPUT = fopen("filename");
> OUTPUT   -- I opened another file here to write output

These two lines r just to say how I'm proceeding...

The err msg which I got is...

"Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at test_script.pl line 1,
near "


syntax error at test_script.pl line 13, near "strings["

Execution of test_script.pl aborted due to compilation errors."

Can u tell me wht is meant by this ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Devers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 6:59 PM
To: Sreedhar reddy
Cc: beginners@perl.org
Subject: RE: I need help here

You accidentally replied just to me, not to the list. Please don't do 
that. Send all messages to the list and I will read them there, along 
with all the other helpful list subscribers.

On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, Sreedhar reddy wrote:

> I tried like this...
> INPUT = fopen("filename");
> OUTPUT   -- I opened another file here to write output
> while(<INPUT>) {
> chomp @_;
> @strings = split(@_, " ");
> print OUTPUT strings[1] + strings[0];
> }
> But I got error [message]...Can [you] modify this program if it is 
> correct???

If it's correct, it doesn't need to be modified, does it? :-)

If you want help with your errors, you need to *tell us what the error 
message was*!

Is the text above literally what you wrote? If so, it can't work -- 
INPUT isn't a valid variable name (it needs to have a 'sigil', like $, 
@, or %) and the "OUTPUT -- I..." line just looks like a comment. I 
assume that isn't really your code, is it?

Please show the list exactly what you're doing and what's happening when 
you try to do it: what the exact statements are to declare your input 
and output files are, what the while{} loop is (this appears complete, 
but I want to be sure), and what the error message was.

Chris Devers

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