> This is a file is info.xml and it constraint below
> <info>
>     <Personal>
>         <NAME>Ulfet</NAME>
>         <AGE>24</AGE>
>     </Personal>
>     <Education>
>         <SCHOOL>Xetai 191</SCHOOL>
>         <UNIVERSITY>Qafqaz University</UNIVERSITY>
>     </Education>
> </info>
> So, i wrote script in PERL. And it is below
> #*****************************************
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> open(FILE,"info.xml") or &xeta("File can not open...");
> @b = <FILE>;
> close(FILE);
> $search = '>';
> @results = grep(/$search/,@b);
> print "@results\n";
> #*****************************************
> And have a other script and its below
> #*****************************************
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use XML::Simple;
> my $infile = 'info.xml';
> my $xml    = XMLin();
> print XMLout($xml), "\n";
> #*****************************************
> So, i need to get that information from indo.xml (Ulfet, Tanriverdiyev, 24, 
> Baku,....)
> I want to get without tags information. I read that in PERL has a module 
> which can read files(XML) and get from information whitout tags. Please help 
> me, how can i get. I wrote script which can find and get ftom file that 
> information without XML tags. Thank you very much in advance

the documentation (available online here):
has some examples that are very similar to what you are attempting.

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