On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, The Ghost wrote:

> I want to know how many new line chars there are in all files in a 
> directory (and it's subdirectories).  What's the best way?

I'm sure this isn't how you want to do it, but this might work:

    $ cat `find . -type f` | wc -l

It'll choke if you have too many files in the directory in question, as 
there are limits to how long the argument list can be in the shell, but 
provided that you don't exceed that limit, this will get you a quick and 
dirty answer to your question.

Otherwise, you'll need to build up a list with File::Find or similar 
module, then work through the list looking for newline chatacters for 
each file in that list. It should get the same result as above, but will 
take more hand-coding to get to the final result, and it shouldn't hit 
the limitation of too many files that the shell approach will have.

Chris Devers

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