Thank you for John.I think your method would be much faster than mine.
Now I'm going to rewrite this program with C language,but I'll test it using
all the ways given by everyone here.Thanks.

On 12/8/05, John W. Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jennifer Garner wrote:
> > hi,lists,
> Hello,
> > I have a file which is so large,which looking as:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ...
> >
> > and more than 45000000 lines.
> >
> > the part after ":" is no use for me,I only need the IP.
> >
> > for each IP,such as '', I want to get this result:
> >
> > 218.58.59.              xxx             yyy             xxx+yyy
> >
> > I want to know how many IP are in the range of '' to '
> >',this is 'xxx';
> > and how many IP are in the range of '' to '
> ',this
> > is 'yyy'.
> >
> > I write this code:
> >     open (FILE,$file) or die "$!";
> >         while(<FILE>)
> >         {
> >                 next if /unknown/o;
> >                 next if /^192\.168\./o;
> >                 chomp;
> >                 my ($ip,$num) = split/:/,$_;
> >                 if ($ip = ~  /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)/o){
> >                     my ($net,$bit) = ($1,$2);
> >                     $total{$net}{low}{$bit} = 1 if $bit < 128;
> >                     $total{$net}{high}{$bit} = 1 if $bit >=128 and $bit
> <
> > 255;
> >                     $total{$net}{total}{$bit} = 1;
> >                 }
> >         }
> >         close FILE;
> >
> > foreach (sort { scalar keys %{$total{$b}{total}} <=> scalar keys
> > %{$total{$a}{total}} } keys %total)
> > {
> >     print RESULT "$_","\t",scalar keys %{$total{$_}{low}},"\t",
> >               scalar keys %{$total{$_}{high}},"\t",scalar keys
> > %{$total{$_}{total}},"\n";
> > }
> >
> >
> > but it's too slow for me to wait the result.How can I get it more
> effective
> > and run less time?thanks.
> This is quite a bit faster then your version:
> open FILE, '<', $file or die "Cannot open '$file' $!";
> my ( %low, %high, %total );
> while ( <FILE> ) {
>    next if /unknown/;
>    next if /^192\.168\./;
>    next unless /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)/;
>    if ( $2 < 128 ) {
>        $low{ $1 }++;
>        }
>    else {
>        $high{ $1 }++;
>        }
>    $total{ $1 }++;
>    }
> close FILE;
> for ( sort { $total{ $b } <=> $total{ $a } } keys %total ) {
>    print RESULT "$_\t", $low{ $_ } || 0, "\t", $high{ $_ } || 0, "\t",
> $total{ $_ }, "\n";
>    }
> John
> --
> use Perl;
> program
> fulfillment
> --
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