"The Ghost" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have keys with periods in them:
> my %hash;
> $hash{something.withaperiod}="some text";
> my $something='something';
> my $withaperiod='withaperiod';
> print qq{$hash{"$something.$withaperiod"}\n};
> what will it print?

Looking at what you are trying to do here, I'm guessing you are trying to
"emulate" a complex data structure. You should just use one instead:

my %hash;
$hash{something}{withaperiod}="some text";
my $something='something';
my $withaperiod='withaperiod';
print qq{$hash{$something}{$withaperiod}\n};

That way you can use perl's built in constructs to iterate over the data
when you need to:

my $subhash = $hash{something};
foreach my $key ( keys %$subhash ) {
  print("$key => $subhash->{$key}");


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