I appologize for being a bit vague here, but I am trying to clarify this with a client for myself. the way it was stated too me:

"..we should also be able to pick up the front page of the web site and create a thumb-nail image of it .."

now I am assuming they mean the entire page content and create a thumbnail of it. I've search CPAN for the last couple of hours on this, but no luck. maybe it can be done on the fly. I was hoping to get a lead on this to see if it's even possible too do. :)

unless a browser on the server has a "take a screen shot of url" feature API you can (and most likely will) have to:

 a) open a browser on your server with a system call
 b) use your OS to take a snapshot of that "screen" to a file
 c) have your way with the file

The *only* way i've been able to do this was (all code is at my office but there are scripts that do it on the net)

open3() a pipe to an XWindows server window
open3() a pipe to a GUI browser in the window created in that step
open3() the XWindows screen shot
close all 3
work with file if needed

The parameter you will pass will need fiddled with so that you grab only the part of the browser that is displaying the web page.

Google it and you'll find a few scripts that use various browsers for XFree86.

HTH :)

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