Are you sure you permission to talk to the other servers?

You might also want to check to see if there is any way to get
extended error messages from Win32::Process::Info.

On 2/1/06, Ryan Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I've been working on a script to grab the owner of processes on my
> systems and it works great if I limit it to one machine at a time.  If
> try to pass it multiple hostnames in a loop, it bombs out after the
> first host is completed.  I've Googled, checked the docs for the module,
> and checked ActiveState's lists but can't seem to find a way around
> this.  See code below...
> --begin code--
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use Win32::Process::Info;
> my @servers = (
>   'this',
>   'that',
>   'theother',
> );
> @servers = sort @servers;
> #my $server = 'this';
> sub getProcInfo {
>             my ( $server ) = @_;
>             print "\n-- $server --\n";
>             my $processObj = Win32::Process::Info->new( $server, 'WMI'
> );
>             my @procInfo = $processObj->GetProcInfo();
>             # this should give us a list of anonymous hashes...
>             foreach my $info ( @procInfo ) {
>                         if ( ref $info ) {
>                                     my $procName;
>                                     my $procOwner;
>                                     foreach my $key ( keys %{ $info } )
> {
>                                                 # grab the keys first...
>                                                 #print "$key\n";
>                                                 #print $key . " = " . ${
> $info }{ $key } . "\n" if ( $key eq 'Name' );
>                                                 #print $key . " = " . ${
> $info }{ $key } . "\n" if ( $key eq 'Owner' );
>                                                 $procName = ${ $info }{
> $key } if ( $key eq 'Name' );
>                                                 $procOwner = ${ $info }{
> $key }   if ( $key eq 'Owner' );
>                                     }
>                                     if ( $procName and $procOwner ) {
>                                                             #print "\n";
>                                                             print
> $procName . ": " . $procOwner . "\n";
>                                     }
>                         } else {
>                                     print "Info: $info\n";
>                         }
>             }
> }
> foreach my $server ( @servers ) {
>             getProcInfo( $server );
> }
> --end code-
> Any help is appreciated.
> ry

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