>>>>> ""Mr" == "Mr Shawn H Corey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

"Mr> That's why you have to keep accurate track of which processes are yours.
"Mr> Most of the time this is not a problem since the PIDs will only get
"Mr> recycled some 60_000 processes later. Unless your Perl program runs all
"Mr> the time, this is a minor concern.

PIDs go up to 30,000, at least on some systems.  And some systems randomly
generate PIDs, so it could possibly be reused on the very next process.

"Mr> And it is also why many programmers rely on UNIX to send a HUP to all
"Mr> the child processes when a process stops. UNIX doesn't get this wrong.

Huh?  What UNIX system does this?

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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