I need help in extracting specific data from log files.
The log file has 51 fields I only need 11 fields from
that file. I need to "open" to a new file output with
only the data from the 11 fields. The new file
will be specific to the customers. I have 10-20 customers
in each log file I need to create a new log file
per customer with only the pertinent data.

Here is what I have so for, any suggestions or help with
this is thoroughly appreciated.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# parselog.pl - Script to split log files by customer

use warnings;

my $logfile;            # input log file
my $media;              # media type
my %cust;               # hash of all customers found in $logfile
my $thiscust;           # customer derived from current input line
my @fields;             # input logfile fields
my $thiscustlog;        # file handle to current customer's logfile
my $prefix;             # cust logfile prefix
my $suffix;             # cust logfile suffix

$logfile = $ARGV[0];

if ( $logfile =~ /WMS/ ) {
        $media = "wms";
        $prefix = "/usr/home/script/${media}_cust/";
        $suffix = ".$media.log";
} else {
        die "Unknown file format";

open (LOGFILE, "< $logfile") or die ("Could not open $logfile.");

while (<LOGFILE>) {
        if ( /^[0-9]/ ) {
                @fields = split;
                $thiscust = (split /\//, $fields[4])[1];
                if ( ! exists ($cust{$thiscust}) ) {
                        print "customer $thiscust\n";
                        $cust{$thiscust} = $thiscust;
                        open ($thiscust, ">> ${prefix}${thiscust}${suffix}")
                           or die ("Cannot open
                print $thiscust $_;
foreach $thiscust (%cust) {
        close $thiscust;
exit 0;

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