joseph wrote:
> All,


> Just like to ask for correction on what's wrong with my script it gives spit 
> out this error when i run it.
> Unsuccessful open on filename containing newline at line 8.
> Can't open file No such file or directory
> But it runs without this error whenever i feed it up when an existing file 
> output by df-h.
> ex:## open(FL,"path/toactual/file") or die "blabalha";
> Does this mean it can't trap the output of  `df-h`?
> Here's the script###
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> chomp(my $output_file = `df -h`);

`df -h` does not return a file name, it returns the same output as if you had
run the command 'df -h' on the command line.

> open(FL,"$output_file") or die "Can't open file $!\n";
> my @list;
> my %disk;
> my($label,$size,$use,$avail,$percent,$mounted,$partition,$usage);
> while(<FL>) {

There are two basic ways to do what you want:

1.  for ( `df -h` ) { ... }

2.  open FL, 'df -h |' or die "Cannot open df pipe: $!";
    while ( <FL> ) { ... }
    close FL or warn $! ? "Error closing df pipe: $!"
                        : "Exit status $? from df";

>      ($label,$size,$use,$avail,$percent,$mounted) = split(/\s+/, $_);

You are only using two of the values so you can simplify that to:

       my ( $percent, $mounted ) = ( split )[ -2, -1 ];

>      push @list,$mounted,$percent;

You don't need the array, you can assign directly to the hash:

       $disk{ $mounted } = $percent unless $mounted eq 'Mounted';

> }
> %disk =(@list);
> delete $disk{"Mounted"};

use Perl;

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