Nishi Bhonsle wrote:
> I was able to writeout the files on a filesystem to a file C:/filelist.txt
> using the program -
> $path = "$ARGV[0]";
> opendir ( DIR, $path ) or die "Can't open $path: $!";
> while(defined($DIR = readdir DIR))
>     {
>      push(@array_A,$DIR)
>      }
> closedir DIR;
> open(FILE,">c:/filelist.txt");
> foreach $y (@array_A)
> {
> print "$y\n";
> print FILE "$y\n";
> }
> close FILE;
> Can you please tell me how to modify the above program to ignore the "."
> and "..", so that they donot get printed in C:/filelist.txt ?

use warnings;
use strict;

my $path = $ARGV[ 0 ];

open FILE, '>', 'c:/filelist.txt' or die "Can't open c:/filelist.txt: $!";
opendir DIR, $path or die "Can't open $path: $!";

print FILE map /^\.\.?$/ ? () : "$_\n", readdir DIR;

closedir DIR;
close FILE;

> Can you also let me know how to read the line in the below file, look for
> the second and forth " and write the name of the file fetched in the
> above program before the second and fourth " and between the fifth and
> sixth
> " one by one.
> "SL/" "%HOME%/server/bin/" "" NA
> as in
> "SL/one" "%HOME%/server/bin/one" "one" NA


use Perl;

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